All project documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel prior to issue for approval from consultant. We make sure that only approved current version of document/drawings is available where and when needed. Controlled documents are stamped with “controlled copy”. Obsolete documents are stamped as “superseded copy”.
All project documents are legible, dated clean, readily identifiable, retrievable and maintained in facilities that provide a suitable environment. Data may be hard copy or stored in computer. Authorized personnel are nominated to review and approve the documents. Projects documents are distributed to appropriate people or locations by the project Manager or authorized personnel as applicable. Also changes are distributed on the same way in order to keep documents up-to-date. The Project Manager or authorized personnel as applicable disposes obsolete documents.
Document change process consists of identifying and request of change by concerned people. Changes are reviewed and approved by the same
authorities, who approved the original issue. Any changes to the original document are registered in respecting “Amendment sheet” enclosed to the Master copy of document and kept in Master file.
Obsolete documents are withdrawn from places of use and disposed by the Project Manager or Quality Manager, as applicable.
Documents are kept in the “Master file”.
Document can be copied only from the Master file for use within departments. Document will be reissued when number of changes has been made, that could be misinterpreted or confuse the reader. The reissued document will bear a new issue number and date of issuing. “Master list” serves as register of quality documents and their latest issue, and is the record of document control.
All the project documents are circulated to the client and consultant according to the Document Transmittal System (DTS) in the prescribed formats as approved by Consultant and main contractor.
The following documents are indentified as requiring “Controlled Quality Documents” during the life of a project:
- Contract Drawings
- Shop and As-Built Drawings
- Specifications
- Reference Standards
- Technical Queries
- Method Statements
- Technical Submittals
- Work Notifications and Tracking
Below is an overview of the most prominent regulations applicable to the design, manufacture, and installation of Electrical & Sanitary Installation. Like all regulatory standards, Electrical & Sanitary Installation standards are subject to change over time. Because of the changing nature of regulatory standards, it’s important to stay up-to-date on current requirements.
The design process is divided in to 7 stages:
- Planning development
- Establishing organizational and technical
- Design input
- Design output
- Design review
- Design verification
- Design validation
Project manager plans all necessary resources for design/programming process and assigns responsibilities to the concerned people. He prepares schedule of activities and plan of design reviews in line with main contractor’s clause 14 programs. Plan contains control and verifying activities during the design process in order to meet specified targets/milestones.
The strong and competitive in house Design and drafting team has already gained accolade among our existing clients for their quality drawings and obtaining Authorities approvals from DEWA, Civil defense, and Dubai municipality etc.
Our planning engineers are well experienced in preparing construction program in line with clause 14 programmer and contract mile stones.
Our material procurement team is well experienced and has thorough knowledge of current market trend and is adept in procurement of approved materials as per construction schedule.
We maintain sufficient stock of all materials required in the projects to avoid any time delays on procurement.
The Project Managers responsible for construction and installation processes and ordering process identify each product by e.g. type designation, item number, material designation or batch number, factory number or order number or other documents accompanying the product throughout the entire construction process, and by identifying product itself.
Every processing and inspection/testing stage is recorded in accompanying construction, installation and inspection documents. Where traceability is a specified requirement, related products are identified accordingly. This ensures that components sub- assemblies or personnel and associated documentation can be traced throughout all stages of construction and installation. The procedure for traceability should be established in such case. The person or organization unit performing the work will be responsible for that.
Records about traceability are maintained by the concerned Project Manager as well as documentation about identification of items and products
handling and storage instruction of the material.
The following procedures will be followed to confirm the compliance of the product with technical specification and the technical requirements.
- Purchase order with detailed specification, client’s clarification, site visit findings, drawings will be sent to the suppliers/vendors.
- Technical submittal for the product will be reviewed with the technical
- Review and approval of vendor
- Test procedures for all the equipment will be
- Manufacturing certificates & data sheets for all the equipment’s will be
- Ensure proper packing, transportation,handling and storage instruction of the material.
A set of Inspection activities over all the stages of construction and installation processes is carried out according to the Specification and/or Quality Plan. Each activity is subjected to double check, by MARS ERA and by the client/consultant. MARS ERA will submit to the client/consultant “Request for Inspection” through main contractor, if necessary. Request is filled by the Site Engineer.
After completion of inspection, client/consultant will approve inspection results.
Only after acceptance of inspection results by the client, work can be resumed. Site Engineer and foremen will monitor a standard workmanship to ensure compliance with client drawings and specification.
Overall responsibility for above activities is with the Project Manager, when some non-conformity is detected, Quality Engineer is notified. Corrective action is taken by the Project Manager or Site Engineer.
Quality Engineer has authority to hold processes in the case of any non-conformity until its clearing.